“For there is nothing covered, that not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
“Humanity, without willed effort after righteousness, is mean enough to sink to any depth of disgrace. The judgments also of imagined superiority are hard to bear. The rich man who will pay his workers as little as possible, will read his poor relation a solemn lecture on extravagance, because of some humblest little act of generosity! If, in the endeavor to lead a truer life, a man merely lives otherwise than his neighbors, strange motives will be invented to account for it. To the honest soul, it is a comfort to believe that the truth will one day be known. Still more satisfactory will be the unveiling where a man is misunderstood by those who ought to know him better—who take it for granted that he is about to do the wrong thing while he is crying for courage to heed neither himself nor his friends, but only the Lord. How many hear and accept the words, ‘Be not conformed to this world,’ without once perceiving that what they call Society and bow to as supreme, is the World and nothing else, or that those who mind what people think, and what people will say, are conformed to the world. The true man feels he has nothing to do with Society as judge or lawgiver: he is under the law of Jesus Christ, and it sets him free from the law of the World. Let a man do right, nor trouble himself about worthless opinion; the less he heeds tongues, the less difficult will he find it to love men. Let him comfort himself with the thought that the truth must out. He will not have to pass through eternity with the brand of ignorant or malicious judgment upon him. He shall find his peers and be judged of them.”
by Dale Darling
"Humanity, without willed effort after righteousness, is mean enough to sink to any depth of disgrace. The judgments also of imagined superiority are hard to bear."
And later:
"The true man feels he has nothing to do with Society as judge or lawgiver: he is under the Law of Jesus Christ, and it sets him free from the law of the World."
Humanity without willed effort after righteousness is Society, and has everything to do with the law of the World. At last, in the wilderness, Satan showed and then offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. All He had to do was, "Fall down and worship me." This was answered, "Get thee behind me Satan: for it is written, 'Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.'"
This, by the way, Satan knew, disobeyed, and now suffers eternal condemnation. for all the trickery Satan plays in Society, God is most powerful.
Now it must be exceedingly clear that one of the glorious kingdoms of the World Jesus saw was the United States of America in 2017. MacDonald saw England of the late 1800's. after the angels ministered to Him, Jesus went throughout Galilee saying, "Repent: change your heart: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
And MacDonald says, "Let a man do right, not trouble himself about worthless opinion" - one such, that America is a Christian Society. "The less he (the man who will do right) heeds tongues, the less difficult will he find it to love men." The essence of rightness just now.
The loved men, by the way, live in Society.
Let the righteous, as difficult as it is to be persecuted for righteousness sake, comfort himself with the thought that the truth must out. Truth and time go hand in hand.
Let your light so shine...
Be transformed and know the perfect will of God....
Love thy neighbor.