“Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
“The man or woman who is not ready to confess, to pour out a heartful of regrets—can such be an inheritor of the light? It is the joy of a true heart of an heir of light, of a child of that God who loves an open soul—the joy of any man who hates the wrong the more because he has done it, to say, “I was wrong; I am sorry.” O, the sweet winds of repentance and reconciliation and atonement, that will blow from garden to garden of God! Whatever the place be like, one thing is certain, that there will be endless, infinite atonement, ever-growing love. Certain too it is that whatever the divinely human heart desires, it shall not desire in vain. The light which is God, and which is our inheritance because we are the children of God, insures these things. For the heart which desires, is made thus to desire. For never, in the midst of the good things of this lovely world, have I felt quite at home in it; it is not all I should like for a place to live in. It matters little whether the cause lie in the world or in myself, both being incomplete: God is, and all is well. All that is needed to set the world right is that I care for God as he cares for me; that I have no thought that springs from myself apart from him; that my will and desires keep time and harmony with his music. What springs from myself, and not from God, is evil; it is a perversion of something of God’s. Whatever is not of faith is sin; it is a stream cut off from its source. But light is my inheritance through him whose life is the light of men, to wake in them the life of their father in heaven. Loved be the Lord who in himself generated that life which is the light of men!”