“But ye did not so learn Christ; if so be that ye heard him, and were taught in him, even as truth is in Jesus: that ye put away, as concerning your former manner of life, the old man, which waxeth corrupt after the lusts of deceit .
What does it matter how a man understands the atonement, so long as he is not of one mind with the Truth, so long as he and God are not at one, do not atone together? Knowing that a man does not heed his word, why should I heed his explanation of it? He does not his will, and so cannot understand him; he does not know him, and that is why he cannot trust in him. Does a man think his common sense enough to let him know what the Lord means? His common sense ought to be enough to know itself unequal to the task. It is the heart of the child that alone can understand the Father. Would a man have me think him guilty of the sin against the Holy Ghost—that he understands Jesus Christ and yet will not obey him? That were too dreadful. I believe he does not understand him.
No man can do yet what he tells him—but are you trying? Obedience is not perfection, but trying. Do you suppose he ever gave a commandment knowing it was of no use for it could not be done? He tells us a thing knowing that we must do it, or be lost; that not his Father himself could save us but by getting us at length to do everything he commands, for not otherwise can we learn the holy secret of divine being. He knows that you can try, and that in your trying and failing he will be able to help you, until at length you shall do the will of God even as he does it himself. The most correct notions without obedience are worthless. The doing of the will of God is the way to oneness with God, which alone is salvation.