The Cullen Collection: A Quality Set of George MacDonald's Full-Length Works

The Cullen Collection is a 37-volume complete paperback and eBook set of all George MacDonald’s full-length fiction and fantasy works—the only such complete matching paperback and eBook series ever produced. The set is divided into six “sets,” each with uniform matching covers: Early Scottish Novels (6 titles), Six English Novels (6 titles), Two English Trilogies (6 titles), The Scottish Masterworks (6 titles), Full-Length Fantasies (6 titles), The Short Novels (7 titles). They are available individually through Amazon, or discounted as sets, or in a complete discounted set through WisePath Books. The eBook editions are available only through Amazon.

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The set of Full-Length Fantasies reproduce MacDonald’s originals exactly. Some of the realistic titles in the other sets are slightly abbreviated to make them more readable and accessible. This is the case mostly with those titles of extreme length and those whose originals contain extensive dialogue in the Scottish tongue, which has been scaled down somewhat and translated, while retaining enough of the Scots language to preserve the flavor of MacDonald’s originals and the sound and feel of MacDonald’s homeland. The goal has been to enrich the presentation, clarity, and radiance of MacDonald’s classic works, keeping his own words and preserving the linguistic excellence of his modes of expression, thus allowing his stories to flow smoothly and to enhance the spiritual insights and characterizations which set MacDonald’s writings apart. Each volume contains an informative introduction which frames MacDonald’s writing of his books against the backdrop and milieu of his life’s events and their times.

 The standalone volume 38 of The Cullen Collection is a unique new biography by MacDonald expert and scholar Michael Phillips, George MacDonald, A Writer’s Life. This longest biography of MacDonald ever produced, is comprised of the Introductions to the volumes of The Cullen Collection, appearing in chronological order of their nineteenth century publication, and placing all MacDonald’s fifty-plus titles—fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and translations—into the events and circumstances of MacDonald’s life. In addition to offering a unique vantage point from which to assess and appreciate MacDonald’s remarkable literary achievements, this new biography offers glimpses into MacDonald’s authorial processes in producing his masterpieces, into the published world of his time and its notable personalities, as well as many insights into the varying—and little-known—editions in which MacDonald’s original works appeared in the years following their release.

In the subtitle of his 1891 edition of the poems of Sir Philip Sidney, A Cabinet of Gems, MacDonald says that he has “cut and polished” Sidney’s originals in order to present them to his reading public in a different setting “for the more radiance.” Following his own example, The Cullen Collection presents the fiction of MacDonald in a new setting, polished and radiant, as a complete fiction series set into the context and flow of MacDonald’s historic and illustrious writing life.