“When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
Lazarus must come and help him with these sisters whom he could not get to believe! Lazarus had tasted of death, and knew what it was; he must come and give his testimony! His sisters fancy he has gone to the nowhere of their unbelief; he must set them at rest. It was hard upon Lazarus, but he must come and bear the Lord company a little longer, and then be left behind with his sisters, that they and millions more might know that God is the God of the living, and not of the dead. Can any Christian believe it was from love to Lazarus that Jesus wept? It was from love to God, and to Martha and Mary. He had not lost Lazarus; but Martha and Mary were astray from their father in heaven. “Come, my brother; witness!” he cried; and Lazarus came forth. Oh, the hearts of Martha and Mary! Surely the Lord had some recompense for his trouble, beholding their joy! Lazarus had to die again, and thanked God, we may be sure, for the glad fact. Did his sisters, supposing them again left behind him in the world, make the same lamentations over him as the former time he went? If they did, would you not say it was most unworthy of them to be no better for such a favor shown them? Would it not be hard to persuade you that they ever did so behave? They must have felt it would be a shame not to be patient when they knew there was nothing to fear. It was all right with him, and would soon be all right with them also! I imagine you agreeing heartily with this.
Why, then, should you be so miserable when a loved one is taken from you?