“When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
When any have husband, son, father, brother, or lover are taken from them, is it but the cold frost of use and forgetting that makes them less miserable than they were a year ago? Perhaps they say, if they had such as miracle wrought for them as was wrought for Martha and Mary, that would make all the difference! When their loved one, miraculously returned, must go once more, they would not lament, they would not sadden the Lord’s heart with hopeless tears! Ah, how little they know themselves! Do they not see that they are now in precisely the position supposed—the position of those sisters after Lazarus was taken from them the second time? They know now all the sisters knew then. Martha and Mary had no more of a revelation by the recall of Lazarus than any of us have today. Many are the Christians who profess to believe the story, though they make that doubtful enough by their disregard of the very soul of it. Is it possible that, so far as they are concerned, Lazarus might as well not have risen? Their friends are gone as Lazarus went twice, and they behave as if they knew nothing of Lazarus. They make a lamentable ado, vexing Jesus that they will not be reasonable and trust his father! When Martha and Mary behaved as they are doing, the sisters had not had Lazarus raised; Christians today have had Lazarus raised, yet they go on as Martha and Mary did then!
by Dale Darling
"...and they behave as if they knew nothing.."
In this case, "..of Lazarus." And previously, "Many Christians who profess to believe the story
(THE STORY!), though they make that doubtful enough by their disregard of the very soul of
I often weep as one who believes in death, not in Life, about this or that thing, event, person,
transaction, relationship, when I feel wronged, feel loss. But, which is a word people use to erase what they just said before saying what they mean at that moment: Oh, yes, I agree, but, actually means, Oh no, I disagree: forget about the feel good agreement: listen to what comes next. But within the feeling of wronged and lost, is His appointment, which we see, we know - I see, I know - in turning to the Light of the world.
The magi followed the light of the star through darkness to the Son of God, sent to - "I have
come that they might have Life, and have it abundantly." Instead, I weep as though I believe in
death, in my way rather than The Way, in lies rather than Truth, in darkness rather than Light.
Flee the doing of evil deeds, the darkness of the devil's works, the way of the world, and be
transformed by the renewing of your mind to know the good, acceptable, and perfect will of
Love thy neighbor. Walk as a child of the Light.
Make manifest I believe The Story.